Busy day on the farm today! I wondered if I would even get a chance to update at all today, but no worries, it's past seven now, the sun is dipping and the kids are off on a horse and bike ride, I've just finished up the dishes and am now catching a quiet moment in a quiet house. Lovely. :)
Today's post comes completely through Miss Lizzy's camera lens.

She definitely follows her older brothers' footsteps when it comes to photography...

But, unlike the boys who are always shooting prize wining shots, I dig Lizzy's simple style. Whatever catches her eye, whatever wins her fancy. Like this grinning goat for example.

Or the nesting chickens at dusk. Chickens rarely win photography contests, and so they often feel left out.

But that's not to say she can't be artistic in the way she captures her animal friends...

Or in the way she delicately snaps her flower portraits, capturing workers in the background.

That's right, the photographers have learned how to both stay out of the pictures and the fields! (I'm just kidding! ;)

Speaking of workers, check out our little potato planting princess!

Donna's line for today: "I wanna do fawm chores. My own fawm chores!"

But farm livin' isn't just about the blisters. Mostly, it's about the dessert...

I have a confession to make: dinner today was vanilla ice cream (as shown above) and cookies. I know. What a tough life right? Where you are forced to eat everything you grow. A gallon of ice cream a day is just keeping up with the girls' production right now! You gotta do what you gotta do, right?? ;) Oh, and never fear, lunch was homegrown cooked veggies, bread and cheese.

The out of doors keeps getting more attractive every time I step outside. Pretty soon, there will be no getting me back in the house! Well, except maybe for the ice cream call. ;)

Artistic little photographer in the making...

Whoever was minding her camera for her while she ran the dog must have snapped this one.

But Lizzy can be completely credited for these adorable pictures of Theresa and her mule last night!

Aren't they just the cutest?

And Lizzy proves that artistic value can still be had, long ears and all.

Our mules really are gentle creatures, underneath their people timidness.

All our horses are puppy dogs. Comes from being handled naturally and respectfully.

Our princess was asking for rides on every four legged critter today.

And like the spoiled dear she is, she got them.

Nothing like a petting zoo in your backyard! Well, for the kids anyway. :)

So, that brings us pert near to the end of Lizzy's roll.

Lizzy: "Until next time."

"...And never mind my younger brother. I never do."
Thanks for visiting with us today! I'd love to hear back from you reader folks, that is, if you have an unoccupied moment.
For now, volleyball calls...

This one was awesome all around. Thanks for the ice cream picture. yummmmmm I needed that! This was practically like a visit to the farm and I really loved it. Especially the last picture of little shy Lizzy showing her true colors ;)(hee-hee)That really is such a cute picture indeed when you are not related, yet know how sweet they both really are. Hi to all of you, loved all the pictures.
ReplyDeleteMar, That was a really good post!! I wish I could go back!! I miss the ice cream, and the horses, and Donna, and everything!!!
ReplyDeleteLizzy!! I loved the picture of the rabbit!!! soo cute!! great job on it!! <3
Love and miss you all,
Awesome Pictures Lizzy!!!!!!!