Hi Everyone! After numerous technical difficulties (notice I had to get a new blog template), I am finally back! Alrighty!
Gosh, I'm so behind picturewise. Between the new cameras and all the new homestead projects going on, I'm just so behind! So, I'm limiting this post to JUST the pictures taken on Easter Sunday. Even with this limitation, I still ended up with over 30 pictures in this post! Yiy! I swear, I cannot keep up with all these young photographers! Oh well, I know how you all like lots of pictures, right??

SO! How were all your Easters? Ours was pretty low key... pretty much: sitting at home as a family, playing lots of volley ball and badminton, enjoying each other, the nice day, and a hearty meal, sums it up.
I hope for more of the same next year!!

Oookee dokey, the farm updates. Ah, again, so much to tell...

Over the last couple weeks, the garden fences have been repaired and extended and the entire garden(s) weeded, one bed at a time. The strawberry beds have been thinned and several new strawberry beds set out. We hope for a really good crop this year! Andrew made me a flower bed across the front of the porch, making me crazily happy. For Easter, all us girls were allowed to pick out one perennial flower for the new bed, which was a ton of fun (okay, for me, anyway!!). I just can't wait for my first blooms!! (Childish, I know. Care, I don't!! )

Buddy, the bull, having finished his purpose here, was butchered on Thursday, feeding us and the earth by his passing on. I find myself sort of defending this whole 'circle of life' thing to the girls occasionally, BUT, I noticed, the boys never question it. Not that they enjoy the butchering, but they've already experienced the kind of meals that the weeks following a butchering day can bring to the table, and they aren't complaining!
Mom has been having a blast ordering fruit trees galore to propagate all over our property. Last year, we succeeded in growing most all our veggies for the season; now it's time to move on and try to accomplish a much tougher feat: that of fulfilling the kids' fruit needs.... I'm thinking this is a near impossible task at this point, but we shall see. Mom's certainly trying! The boys and Dad have been clearing land and building trellises in anticipation of fruit trees and grape vines.
Okay, and wherrrrreee is my photographer when the new trellises and garden areas are going up? Why, taking cool pictures of his cat of course!

What do you think? Should I fire him?
Oh well, I guess the animals all want to say hi again anyway!
"Um, hi!"

"Ooooh, me, me, me! Take pictures of me!"

"Lookee here, I can wun really suuuper fast!"

"And I can jump super high..."

"AND, I got clean teeth!"

"Heh, clean teeth. You want cool? Check out this wing span!"

"Oh that's nothin'. How 'bout my 'mean chicken' look?"

"Boys, boys, please try to control yourselves."

Okay, who's next?
Aww, Goofy, don't be shy!

Weellll, running up from the back, and not the least bit camera shy, is Lena and Tryggur.

Good grief, how unphotogenicly cute...

And whose to say you'd do differently if you didn't have fingers?

Nothin' to report from the farm dog. Life's pretty quiet.

Hey, hey, Goofy's comin' back for his picture.

"Aw fine, take pictures if you want."

Alright, before you get to thinkin' Stephen can't take pictures of anything but cute animals, I gotta switch subjects. On to cute kids!
Big baby blue eyes, enjoying an apple.

Big brother blue eyes, goofy as ever...

How 'bout some action shots?

"Fine, I'll take
myself for a walk!"

Lizzy contemplating Easter.

Donna appreciating new Easter life.

We enjoyed glorious Easter skies all day.

As well as beautiful, relaxing evening skies...

And a wonderful, cozy little abode to call home.

Yea, life doesn't get much better than this!
Okay, catch you all later!