This post is in Donna's honor, seeing as how she has decided that today, Aug. 5th, is her half year old birthday, it seems only fitting that she get herself a little birthday post. :)

You see, a few days ago Stephen, (my incredible blog photographer):

...turned eighteen (sheesh!) and we celebrated with cake and all, and Donna seemed to really get into the whole birthday thing.
So then, today, when Johnny randomly lifted her up and she caught a glimpse of Mom's chocolate zucchini cakes cooling on the table, she immediately cried, "oh, happy birfday Johnny!"

Johnny laughed and said, "it's not my birthday." Donna looked confused for a moment before he tried to explain that Mom just had extra zucchini on hand that she needed to use up and it wasn't anybody's birthday. It was just 'happy life day'.The greater confusion came in later, when Donna walked into the room where I was finishing knitting up this little doll. I asked her if it should have hair or a hat, to which she quickly chose: "a hat!"

"What kind of hat?" I asked. "A big hat!" she said enthusiastically. Holding up one finger, she added, "a pointy hat!"

I chuckled and went along with it, seeing as how the pattern was for a gnome anyway... (I don't know how she knew that!).

Well, after I showed her the finished gnome and she laughed heartily at his funny hat, she immediately confiscated it as 'hers' and, well, that was that. Later, when she was overheard singing, "happy birfday dear wittle Donna Maire Yund," Johnny asked her why she thought it was her birthday and she held up her doll and pointed at the cake on the table.
Yeah, I can certainly understand were the confusion comes in! Welcome to everyday life, princess. :) Walks, bike rides, games, nightly visits to the beach, stories, delicious food, daily ice cream and lots of sibling and animal interaction make up this girl's day to day life. What can I say? It's quite a celebratory thing; life! :) Theresa is reading a story to Johnny and Donna on the porch...

My flowers are blooming all across the front of the porch, much to my great and proud delight. :)

Donna's childish enthusiasm when she came bursting through the front door today to tell me that my lily finally bloomed made all the watering, weeding and waiting well worth it! :)

The boys have been actively trying to photograph a little humming bird that is totally enamored with my tall pink gladiolus in front, but so far she's been very camera shy! This one is pretty though:

Anyway, a big Happy, half year, Birfday to our goofy, dear, wittle, Donna Marie Yund!!

And how glad we are that it's only 2 1/2 and not 3 already!!! :)

Love you bunches you little sweet heart!! :)
Okay, I cannot believe nobody has commented on how absolutely adorable Donna is! Peter, my 2.5 year old, said, "awwww, Donna". I wish you could hear how he says it, too cute. He looked at the first photo and said, "Donna crying?" I explained it looked like she was keeping the sun out of her eyes or thinking. He thought about that and seemed satisfied. Then he looked at the picture of her making the funny face and he started laughing, "Donna's funny". I think he is smitten! Lol