Good Morning Readers!
Johnny walked by me this morning as I was gathering pictures for today's post and asked, "why all the random pictures Mary? ...uh, that's not a blog post is it?" So here I am, caught in the act, with one of those random, 'use-them-up pictures' blog post. Guilty as charged. :-P
Anyway, here we go...

A few days ago the sun peaked out during a rainstorm. It was lovely and caused everyone to run out on the porch and see the awesome rainbow.

A candid shot of me... probably saying, "Wha--?"

When the rain stopped, Steve ventured away from the shelter of our covered porch to snap some rainbow shots.

This one is for Andrew, who's away and probably missing Kady (our big puppy dog) by now. ;)

--Okay, end one random set of pictures. Now onto another! :) --
Yesterday, we went for a horse ride. The apples are ripening which makes for lots of stops to check out various trees, much to the horses delight.

I haven't ridden much since spring, so of course the first rides the kids have taken me on have been miles long so that those hardened riders can laugh at me and my sore bum... walking around like John Wayne here lately. :-P

New horses have been enjoying getting out on the trails this year.

We always feed our apple cores to our horses this time of year, so as a result, the ponies stop every time you crunch a bite out of an apple and turn their heads back hoping for your core. The kids have been doing their best to chew quietly, but they still inadvertently stop their horses when a lip smacking of sweet apple juices comes out louder then intended, making the horse just too jealous to continue. ;-)
--End another set of random pictures. ;) --
Next, these are for Annie, (who's away right now). She wanted to see pictures of my new hair cut.
For girls, you know, especially sisters, a new hairdo is a big deal. ;)

Theresa did a great job cutting it--layering it so it looks thicker and all that stuff.
I really needed it since I've not been taking the time to care for my longer hair very well this summer.
Comparatively; my messy longer hair (another candid shot, btw)...

...and new shorter hair:

Yeah, I like it. :)

If anybody needs a hair cut, Theresa does a really great job! She's fast
and free--you just have to get over all her gasping and shocked/horrified faces and off handed
mentioning's of hair extensions and whatnot... I've just learned to ignore all that. She always does a fantastic job. :)
Next, a random picture of a kitten, since Annie wanted to see how they're growing up:

And lastly, Donna wanted to show Annie, Grandma and Aunt Joanie some of her drawings... See, Annie was teaching her how to draw people before she left, so Donna's been drawing all kinds of people and scenes and stuff now... She's got the drawing bug! ;)

This is Mom, me and Donna at the County Fair!
The poor creature on the bottom (inside all the squiggles) is a pig in
it's pen, with Donna (the big headed person with the hat) reaching in
to petting it. :)
This is Micheal (big headed person... she's so accurate to have captured
that trait! ;) teaching her (Donna; the concerned looking person), how
to mike the cow (creature with the ears and tail) and the milk spraying
everywhere because she shot some in his face (she enjoyed that a lot ;).
The blue spidery looking thing is a pig that she came back and randomly
added after seeing the pig at the fair... she likes pigs. :)
And she's very proud of herself.
OK, I think that's all the randomness I could find to squeeze into one post. Thanks for stopping in today! :)
Donna your pictures are great! You should try doing some illustration. I think you would be really good at it.
ReplyDeleteThose are great photos and The new haircut is terrific looking. Donna is quite the artist.