Last year seemed to fly by for us. As I sat watching snow blow past the window next to me, I decided to go back and see if I could see where all the time went. I ended up compiling what I saw into a collage for every month. In each collage, I tried to include a picture of Donna because she has changed so much since last year and I wanted to see if I could break down the changes. I also tried to include one of my flowers in each, (because I'm missing them right now) as well as just an overview of what happened that month; projects and play. The boys photo library got corrupted sometime last spring, so I had trouble finding some of the original dates, but in the end, I'm 90% sure all of the pictures were taken inside their respective months. Anyway, here we go! (Click to enlarge)
January was a quiet, relaxing month of gently falling snow, warm hearths, laughter, woodworking, stitching and sledding. |
February was an exciting month of learning and trying new things; cheese recipes, advanced knitting patterns, lathe and woodworking projects.
March was a fun month of planning gardens and orchards, ordering seeds and plants and enjoying the first spring blooms. Tapping for sap, and processing syrup and honey kept us busy.
April was a refreshing month full of those sweet fresh smells of spring and the excitement of the children and animals as the snow banks shrunk away revealing dry patches of ground.
May was a busy month of planting the cold loving things and preparing our acre garden for seed, as well as immensely enjoying the spring blooms and blossoms.
June was a wonderfully productive month of starting things: seeds and gardens, the training and riding of our young horses, our evening swimming routines, and our 2010 barn project.
July was a hot month of character-building hard work and wonderful pampering swims mixed with beautiful sunsets over the lake.
August was a month of beautiful growth; in the gardens, babies, and even in the beehives when we had to catch a swarm! |
September was a month warm with smiles and rich with laughter and good food, as we began hauling in the harvest. |
October was a month that found the kids outside for long hours everyday, both working and playing, hoping to soak in as much of the sun's last rays as they could before the winter. |
November was a mad rush kind of month where we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off to finish all the summer chores before our first snowfall. Once everything was completed, the lovely snowfalls were warmly welcomed!
December was a cozy month of luscious secrets, yummy smells, lovely music, pretty sights, big smiles and abundant joy! :) |
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